Seasons’ fleetings…

leaves on snow

Here in southeast Wisconsin, the first snow came early this season. 

While October’s foliage still stunned with radiant hues, the storm moved in, dropping several inches of wet white stuff — and shaking me out of my ardent embrace of autumn. 

This photo shows the view from my bedroom window that morning. It felt important to capture the reversal of order, the leaves that were dropping onto the fallen snow. 

Perhaps this isn’t all that uncommon and i just never noticed it before. 

But it’s making me think about the suppositions i carry of what is likely to happen next. I’ve learned to welcome the stirring up of settled notions, the upending of unacknowledged assumptions — to keep from becoming too staid.

Let the wind rustle the leaves over the snow.

I would have liked for autumn to hang around a bit longer. But i do also delight in gray skies and the neighborhood layered in white. 

Winter has charms of its own, and the best of them is that it doesn’t last for too long either.

8 thoughts on “Seasons’ fleetings…

    • Nice to read your comments — um, may i call you ‘Me’?
      A friend reminded me that the first snow has mostly melted and that we do have some pleasant autumn weather left before winter really sets in.

  1. Hahah, ‘me’ is fine, or just Caz will do. I hope you do have some autumnal weather left to eek out of the year yet. But winter can be pretty magical too when it’s time to fully set in 😊
    Caz xx

  2. Yes, it was interesting to see the early snowfall, followed by a veritable downpour of leaves from our mulberry tree. All at once they came. Meantime the old oak and hickory trees hang onto their leaves as much as I try to hold onto autumn. I like your analogy to “the stirring up of settled notions.” Winter is beautiful. I’ll share a poem I wrote about this very idea next time I see you.

  3. Yes, an early snowfall can be a beautiful departure from what’s usual.

    Glad U just had several inches late in the season.

    Everybody who was in the Hudson Valley in early October of 1987 can remember the “Snow Leaf” storm.  The forecast was for a few inches of wet snow overnight; we woke up to over a foot of wet snow.  Power lines were downed by branches that broke under the weight of snow on their leaves.

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