Best Laid Plans…


Is it true that your life is primarily made up of what happens to you?

Or is your life rather more composed of how you respond to the conditions and events you are confronted with?

A few years ago i wrote this song about the interplay between the two.

Though i’ve been meaning to post this for some time, being ready to do so this morning happens to fall on a significant anniversary. Today marks five years to the day since cancer surgery. Five years and counting of “NED” status — no evidence of disease.

(See below for the lyrics.)

Thanks for reading and listening.

Always lookin’ for a reason

A rhythm to go with my rhyme

But every answer brings more questions

They’ve got me steppin’ out of time…

Cuzz my best laid plans

They’re not quite in my hands

The best that i can do is be ready…

My best laid plans

They’re not quite in my hands

The best that i can do is be ready

To make it… a dance

Oh they were good plans in their season

Full of reasons they should come through

But life takes its turn, then you take your step

In that minuet something rings true

Cuzz your best laid plans

They’re not quite in your hands

The best that you can do is be ready…

Your best laid plans

They’re not quite in your hands

The best that you can do is be ready

To make it… a dance

…Step lightly, and make it a dance

7 thoughts on “Best Laid Plans…

  1. Good Morning Katherine. I don’t think my comment registered on your comments site. So I’ll repeat…what a pretty song and words so true…For my journey, I would add ” and all plans guided by my Lord and Saviour. The breast cancer support group is having a session on journaling the second Wednesday in January. Would like to see you there. You could offer your insights. Phyllis Sent from my iPad


  2. Hi Katherine,
    What a sweet song to celebrate your five year anniversary. Thanks for taking care of yourself in such an artistic way. And keep on making it a dance!

  3. Pingback: But if i *were* going to write about it… | A Hansen Chronicle

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